in rose clinic signifies the feeling of being in the heart of something naturally beautiful, delicate yet continually changing.

Our inspiration is fuelled from the picturesque wild white roses that release a sweet scent into the air whilst in bloom. Growing tall and scattered widely in their place of origin – the Himalayas, these wild roses are able to emanate a real feeling of peace.

Zireen first found these Himalayan Musk Roses whilst preparing for meditation teacher training at the foothills of the Himalayas, in North India.

What started as an interest back in 2012 after a late night out, unable to sleep – Zireen searched for ways to relax on Youtube and found a meditation video that just stuck and gradually became part of the routine for several years.

With an eagerness to immerse and train in the origins of their own meditative and mindful cultures, Zireen travelled to India, Japan and Thailand amongst other places. 

You are welcome to check out the timeline below if you want to know more about this.

Back in London, UK after the first training and with a background in facilitating groups, Zireen started to work as a Mindfulness Facilitator one to one and with groups including staff wellbeing settings. Zireen soon discovered that the one to one setting always had the most powerful impact on clients, providing them with a completely focused experience. 

Zireen has gained valuable experience facilitating spaces for various styles of meditation and mindfulness since 2018, whilst exploring the effects of sound and silence within different environments. Now making the decision to focus on mindfulness with the breath, body and heart.  

With many relatively new emerging areas of study such as mindfulness neuroscience and mind body connection, the research is finally showing us how impactful such practises can be. 

With this in mind and a background working in mental health with the NHS as a Senior Employment Advisor, Zireen was determined to use her experience to create safe spaces for individuals with high stress lifestyles, in need of the space and support to slow down and connect. 

Through following a structured practise that is completely inclusive, clients are able to experience mindfulness with the breath, body and heart. 


I started a mindfulness practise for the first time with Zireen. When I go into mindfulness, I relax and my blood flow improves, that’s how it feels. Her tone of voice is very gentle and relaxing. I spend all day at work looking at a pc monitor. When I come for mindfulness, I feel like my eyes are being healed. It feels very good. When I finish the 30 minute appointment, immediately afterwards I feel sluggish, like when I wake up in the morning, but I find that my consciousness wakes up rapidly

Shunsuke Tanaka - Investment Banker

Mindfulness Experience

Qualification, training, client work and event highlights that have led to in rose clinic…